Complete Sheep and Goat Husbandry Handbook by Dr. Gabrielle Lumkes
available to all clients by request
Ringworm Treatment by Dr. Kent Anderson, DVM
Drug and Chemical Residues in Cattle, by Dr. Kent Anderson, DVM
Calf Castration, by Dr. Kent Anderson, DVM
Milk Quality:
Quality Milk Production Services (QMPS), Cornell University
Dairy Cattle Reproduction Council
Drost Project: Visual Guide to Bovine Reproduction
UVM Extension: Pregnant vs. Open - Getting Cows Pregnant and the Money it Makes
University of Wisconsin Reproduction Topics
Cow Health:
Animal Health/Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets
New York Cattle Health Assurance Program (NYCHAP)
Poisonous Plants to Livestock (Cornell University)
Cattle Parasite Resource (Mid America Agricultural Research)
University of Wisconsin Johne's Information Center
UVM Extension: Dairy Cattle Nutrition of Milking and Dry Dairy Cows