Good-bye to Dr. Cousineau and congratulations on his retirement! Learn about Hydrops, a rare type of pregnancy complication that's best manged when recognized early. Also consider possible residues next time you reach for aspirin in dairy cows.
Get Your Vaccines off the Refrigerator Door! An article full of advice to make sure you are storing and using vaccines appropriately. Also, meet Emma Cijka, Valleywide's newest vet.
Are you doing everything you can to help get down cows back on their feet? Learn about success rates with different levels of nursing care for down cows. Also, review your pinkeye prevention plan and heads up about the FDA's order to transition all antimicrobials away from OTC status.
Focus on fly control this summer by preventing their reproduction using various methods. Meet Steph Bandoski, Valleywide's new veterinarian who starts in July.
Have you heard of Strongyloides papillosus? An intestinal parasite that can cause sudden death in heifers is easy to treat. Consider Selective Dry Cow Treatment to conserve our limited supply of dry cow antibiotics, and help prevent spread of Covid-19 to keep Addison county farm families healthy.
We have VaDia units! Learn how this new technology can help assess equipment, milking procedure and cows in your milking system. Then review hypocalcemia and why giving 2 bottles of calcium in the vein usually does more harm than good.
Get ready for fair season! Review common health certificate and vaccination requirements and recommendations. Also, take a critical look at your mastitis vaccination plan to reach your herd health and milk quality goals.
Could calf lung ultrasound or an activity monitor system help your farm? Learn about how these new technologies work and several ways they can be utilized to save time and improve animal health.
Look at your calf electrolyte label to make sure it has the best ingredients at the right levels to treat calves with mild to moderate diarrhea. Get up to date on pinkeye and your options to treat and prevent it. Also, all clients are welcome to our annual producer dinner, details inside.